
"Life begins at 40" they say. But I say why wait? Over the next 18 months I will be working towards reaching 10 goals. Join me on my journey before I reach that big (and scary) FOUR-OH

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Still proud to be British!

This last week of riots, triggered by the police shooting of an innocent man (wrong place, wrong time) has created lots of media outrage, condemnation from politicians and celebs and many a dramatic photo opportunity. However there is one aspect that isn’t reaching the front pages and relegated to the “Magazine” page of etc etc. The Broom Army!

The morning after the riots, crowds gather wearing washing-up gloves and carrying brooms. Once the crime-scene investigators have finished they wade in to clean up the mess. All volunteers, mostly locals, all ages including children and when the Mayor of London turned up they started chanting “Where’s your broom”

This is British tenacity and community spirit that always rises up in the face of adversity  and makes me proud to be able to say I am British J

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